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Photo credit: Mandy Henry

M.Henry Photography

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About Me


Hi! My name is Jessica, but my friends call me Jez. I was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where I lived for the first thirteen years of my life. I grew up on books, so it's no surprise that I enjoyed creating new worlds and interesting characters. And with an active imagination and strong artistic talents, I created quite a few! You could rarely find me and my friends not acting out some crazy adventure (a habit that lives on in my intense love for theatre).


I moved to my current home in Virginia during the winter of my seventh grade year. Moving was hard, as it is for any kid. But I feel that it was definitely for the better.




I've always had a love for art and a desire to learn. For as long as I can remember, I've been known as "the artist," whether in school, at home, or in any kind of group. Most of what I know I learned by myself, either through observation, books, or (in more recent years) by finding tutorials online. I do some traditional art, but have shifted more digital over the past couple years. I graduated in 2020 with a BFA in Animation (concentration in 3D Technical Art) from the Savannah College of Art and Design. 

(Who knows, maybe one day you'll see the perierae come to life on your TV!)


Tabletop Games


My freshman year, I got involved with SCAD's tabletop gaming club, SCAD Gamer's Guild. I picked up a Pathfinder game that winter, and my life turned upside down. I have now been playing that game for over 3 years, with a long running main story and multiple side adventures (check us out on Twitch at WorldOfEntheas!). Not long after that, I began writing and running my own games for friends, which still continue as well! 

Tabletop has become a huge part of my life and artistic expression, and I've made some of the best friends I have through my Guild. 

Most of the character art I have been drawing over the past three years is from my games, so I hope you love my characters as much as I do!




Not a year after moving, I began writing my first novel: Torn Apart (not currently available). But even before that, my creative brain gave birth to the beginning of what would end up being my proudest achievement: the first character designs for Gifted. They were simple (and rather badly drawn, compared to my current work) characters. I didn't know at the time what they would become.


The characters stayed with me through eighth grade and on into high school; something about them prevented me from letting them go. I kept drawing them and improved on the style and designs immensely. And then, one day, I got the idea for a story.


And it all went uphill from there.


Now, a few years later, I am proudly published, thanks to the help of friends, family, and the independent publishing company CreateSpace, without all of whom I wouldn't be where I am today.



Remember: always be proud of your Gifts and don't be afraid to go out and achieve your dreams. Don't wait around for opportunity to knock. Write your own story.


Stay Super!

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